Trading Psychology Workshop

A practical and interactive 2-day training program designed to help traders and fund managers who want to improve their decision making and performance. You will learn practical, evidence-based strategies drawn from the areas of elite performance, psychology, physiology, neuroscience and decision science combined with over 15-years of practical experience of coaching and training traders across the globe and across asset classes.

The course includes:
+ Two days of classroom training
+ Course manual
+ Risk personality psychometric test and results

This course is led by Steve Ward, one of the world’s top trading and investing performance coaches and a qualified mindfulness teacher.

Duration: Two days (9.30am to 4.30pm)
Location: The Tower Hotel – London E1, UK
Trainer: Steve Ward
Course fee: £1990 + VAT – Register online

Course Outline

Understanding Trading and Investing Performance

+ Performance v P&L
+ The 3 components of trading/investing performance
+ Assessing your trading performance

Developing Your Trading Process and Trading Skill

+ The importance of process, and the role skill and luck play in trading decisions
+ The trading performance cycle
+ Reviewing and developing your trading process

Understanding Trading Decision Making, Discipline and Strategy Drift

+ How trading decisions are made by the brain and body
+ Key cognitive and emotional biases that can affect traders decision making
+ Practical strategies for reducing the impact of biases in trading decisions

Developing Self-Awareness, Self-Control and Discipline

+ The importance of developing self-awareness for high performance
+ 3 core strategies for developing self-awareness
+ Developing mindful awareness for enhanced self-control and discipline

Understanding Risk Taking, Risk Psychology and Your Risk Personality

+ The psychology and neuroscience of risk
+ Risk personality and trader decision making and performance
+ Reviewing and applying findings from your own Risk Type assessment

How To Develop A Winning Traders Mindset

+ How your mental framework (mindset) influences your decision making and performance
+ Assessing your trading mindset, your beliefs, and perceptions
+ Understanding how you think about risk, markets, trading, winning, losing, money, mistakes
+ Strategies for developing/refining your mental framework for enhanced performance

How To Manage Your Trading Emotions – Fear, Anxiety, Anger and Overconfidence

+ The neuroscience of emotions and trading decisions
+ How to develop your emotional awareness
+ How to harness and use your emotions as data to enhance your decision making

Trading With Confidence – Developing The Mental Skills of High Performance Trading

+ Developing the mental skills required to enhance your trading decision making
+ Dealing with trading losses, setbacks and challenges
+ Practical strategies to enhance your composure, commitment, confidence and concentration

Understanding and Applying The Physiology of Trading Decision Making

+ Understand the role that the body plays in risk taking and decision making
+ The stress response, developing stress resilience and biofeedback training
+ Decision fatigue and the importance of managing energy for optimising decision making
+ Gut feel and strategies for developing interoception (your 6th sense)